Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 56 - Chemo Treatment #3

A Note From Sarah...
I am half way through my chemo treatments! Yay!!! I am on the home stretch. I had an appointment with my oncologist this morning to talk about how things are going. Dr. Batson said since I had so much overwhelming pain due to the Neulasta shot, I do not have to have the shot this time. Because of this, I will need to be extremely cautious as to not get an infection. Anti-bacterial wipes will be my friend. Please pray that my white blood cells stay in the normal to higher than normal range so that Neulasta won't be needed. My treatment today went the smoothest it has gone yet. I had no complications and no immediate side effects. Praise the Lord!!! I hope this is a trend that continues throughout the remainder of my treatment. My nurse today, Marcia was fantastic. She was so accommodating and confident. I had some special visitors today. My grandparents, who just got back from Arizona, were some of the first to arrive. My grandfather also went through chemo treatments at the cancer partnership and had a chance to visit with some of the staff who cared for him. Thanks Grandpa for showing me how to fight the battle and come out a winner. Way to pass on that Hawkins survival instinct. My two girlfriends Amy and Becca, who are like sisters to me, also came to see me. They just got back from college and they spoiled me with presents. "The Regulars" (Momma Hawk, Momma Lien, and Sis Lien) were all there as well...of course. After chemo I went to my Mom's house for a few, and our friend Chris Hite dropped by with a gift for me. It was a Seattle Seahawks mini Breast Cancer helmet. We then realized it was the perfect size for my mom's dog Ullie. That made a very funny picture. The rest of the day I am just going to go home, relax, and take it easy. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and visiting my blog today. I feel like a superstar when I see how many people have checked out "Sarah's Hope!" (wristbands anyone???)

Love Always,

P.S. So far we don't have enough questions for our next interview. Either we're boring or you already know everything about us, but we don't think that's the bring on the questions and email them to 

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