Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 207

A Note From Kirk:
Tonight was truly frustrating for my sweet wife. For four weeks in a row, Sarah has wound up in the ER for really high levels of nausea. This week was no different. It was only last Thursday that she found herself in the ER and now this Thursday she was back again. I guess we get another punch in our “Frequent Visitor’s Pass.”

We have no idea what is causing the nausea and not being able to resolve it has been more than Sarah can handle at times. Her pancreas enzyme levels have come down a bit so that rules out pancreatitis and the EKG she had done tonight was normal so heart trouble is out as well. While we are truly grateful that she doesn’t have either of those things we do still truly want an answer to this puzzle. She is doing really great overall, but this nausea seems to always push her over the edge. When a 25 year old woman can’t leave the house without her lipstick and vomit bag, you can imagine how quickly things could become a bit overwhelming.

We went to the ER at about two in the afternoon and were promptly taken back and put in a room. The nurse came to start an IV but had a lot of trouble. She tried twice but was unsuccessful both times. Another nurse came and undertook the third attempt and finally got it right. However, I feel so bad for my poor Sarah. Every time they tried to place an IV they had to poke her and then dig around with the needle to try and find her tiny little veins. Ouch!!! Pretty soon we will be playing “connect the dots” with the needle prick marks on Sarah’s poor arm. Thankfully, the third time was finally the charm. We left the ER at about 6:30 with once again no answers as to why her nausea persists week after week. Frustrating!!! In the coming week we are going to work with Sarah’s doctor until we find the source of the nausea. We don’t want to be in the ER next week, but I fear they may be holding a bed for us just in case.

Please pray with us that the nausea Sarah is having will be cut off. As her husband, I can honestly tell you I don’t know how much more of it she can handle. Her pain isn’t real bad anymore and her healing process is going absolutely fantastic, but this pesky nausea keeps rearing its ugly head, stopping her from gaining ground in her complete recovery from all of this. We need your prayers!!!

Thank you everyone for your continued support. You are all such a great inspiration to Sarah and I know she definitely inspires all of you.



EML said...

I love you, Sister2, and I have been praying for you today! xoxo, Sister1

Heather Mayer said...

You are most definitely in Richard and my prayers, I will pray that you find out the source of the Nausea and that you will feel peace and comfort through this time. Hugs and Keep us posted!

Richard and Heather