Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 36

11:30am: Today Sarah & Kirk were at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance for a second opinion on Sarah's case. The day started off with a vitals check with Tiana, a brief meeting with Nurse Leslie Irving, and then a discussion and exam with radiation oncology resident, Christine.
1:30pm: A break for lunch while SCCA's doctor/surgical team hold a conference to discuss the details of Sarah's case.
2:30pm: Back for more exams by the team of doctors. Great news: the doctors could not find the largest lump in Sarah's breast! The Chemo is doing its job!
3:20pm: Meeting with medical oncologist Dr. Larissa Korde - the first round of recommendations begin! Sarah's current treatment was discussed, as well as options for each future stage of treatment.
4:30pm: Meeting with surgeon Dr. Kristine Calhoun and breast radiation oncologist Dr. Janice Kim.
5:30pm: The meetings are finished! It has been an overwhelming day, but the team of doctors at SCCA have been extremely helpful, caring and informative! Thank you!

(click on image below to enlarge)

1 comment:

Lynda Hawkins said...

Sarah~your beauty shines through in every picture.You are an amazing woman of grace and strength.Following your blog and praying for you constantly. Love you very much, Auntie Lynda, Dustin & Shelby xo